Using Herbs and Spices: More on Flavor Families

Here’s the great thing about herb and spice flavor families. Find one you like and you’ve got an easy springboard to creative fun, as in this recipe for Eggplant and Garbanzo Stew with Spicy Coriander Flavors.

Is it OK to use the garlic and ginger that comes in jars?

Those little jars of prepared garlic and ginger are so completely convenient!  No fussing with paper-thin garlic peels, no paring gnarly knobs of ginger or endangering fingers on the ginger grater and no garlic-smelling hands for the rest of the night.  But is it OK to use these conveniences? I get this question a lot, … Read more

Comfort Stew: Beef Daube Provencal

A classic, no-fail stew. Make it in the slow cooker or on the stovetop, and learn several tricks for a more tender and tasty stew. Cooking School notes included as well as modifications.

Mary’s on Fox 31–Quick Tricks for Fast Gourmet Green Beans

We all know that Thanksgiving can be a huge undertaking. To keep from getting overwhelmed, it’s nice to plan a couple dishes on the simpler side. This recipe incorporates four tricks for easy, gourmet flair.

Using Herbs and Spices–Outside the Comfort Zone

If you want to begin using more and/or more interesting herbs and spices, the most important step is taking the plunge. Don’t get persuaded to hunker down in your comfort zone by a possibility of un-success that’s really pretty small and hardly disastrous.