A New Kitchen for Meal Making Transformation
The New Kitchen Way® is all about helping you make real, whole, health-giving meals in a way that’s fun, delicious and no big deal. And it does this by sparking a transformation in the way you go about meal making. That transformation happens as become new in your Cooking, your Kitchen and your Thinking.
Get New in Your Kitchen with the KitchenSmart® Strategies
Experience Healthy Meal Making That’s Practically Guaranteed!
Here is a little-known secret: Only 40% of meal making is what we usually think of as “cooking,” i.e., chopping, dicing, mixing and sautéing. Few people know that the other 60% of meal making success lies in what you do before you ever step foot in the kitchen and start cooking! That second part of meal making is the “getting-prepared-to-cook” part.
The 60/40 Secret If you don’t know about that 60% part of the meal making success equation, of course you’ll struggle making the healthy meals you want to be eating. You’re missing more than half of the equation!

The Full Equation Happily, my programs offer a new, holistic and integrated approach, sharing 100% of the skills you need for deliciously healthful everyday meal making. In addition to the 40% cooking piece, you’ll discover the 60% getting-ready-to-cook piece that transforms meal making from chaotic to efficient, ease-ful and manageable.
That 60% piece can be organized into 6 KitchenSmart® skills and habits. These commonsense, easy to understand strategies get you prepared-to-cook so stress-free healthy meal making is practically guaranteed.
- Know What You’re Going to Make Have a guiding game plan before heading to the kitchen to make a meal
- Have New, Healthier Recipes at the Ready Organize so you can find them in a hurry when it’s time to cook
- Create a Hassle-Free Work Space Make sure you’re not weighted down by counter clutter, disaster cupboards and hard-to-find tools and ingredients
- Support Yourself with a Healthy Pantry Relish the many possibilities offered by a helpful, time-saving pantry
- Equip the Kitchen, in Balance Get the few things you need—and not much more; surprisingly, you don’t need that much in the way of equipment
- Tame Your Grocery Shopping Time Get efficient at the store so shopping isn’t a barrier to making good meals

Bit by bit, start putting the pieces of the missing 60% into place. Then bit by bit, turn your cooking environment into a supportive ally on the healthy eating journey. Watch as you start overcoming obstacles that have kept you from the nurturing meals you want and deserve.
Better yet, you’ll become reacquainted with the kitchen as a place of comfort, fulfillment, engagement and fun. A place where we can capably and naturally make meals that serve our health and fill our hunger for flavorful, yummy food.
Get KitchenSmart®. Be Prepared to Cook