New Thinking for Meal Making Transformation
The New Kitchen Way® is all about helping you make real, whole, health-giving meals in a way that’s fun, delicious and no big deal. And it does this by sparking a transformation in the way you go about meal making. That transformation happens as you adopt the 3 Habits and Skills to be new in your Cooking, your Kitchen and your Thinking.
Be New in Your Thinking
You might be wondering what your thinking has to do with cooking. Cooking seems pretty much mindless and mechanical. In fact, we do our best to not think about it—and even avoid it entirely until forced to confront it at mealtimes. Yet that oversight is a big reason we struggle so much with meal making.
If you aren’t actively nurturing supportive thoughts and mindsets, the brain will likely be overrun by commonly-held assumptions and beliefs that range from unhelpful to downright obstructive. For example:
- I have better things to do than spend time cooking
- There’s no way I could be happy without fast food
- Cooking meals is so overwhelming
- I’m too busy to cook my own meals
- Cooking is boring
- Healthy food is weird and unappetizing
These kinds of mindsets, along with dozens of variations, will put a quick stop to your healthy eating efforts. They are especially dangerous because they are invisible—and stealthy. You will be stopped in your tracks and never really know why!

That’s why The New Kitchen Way® is all about adopting fresh, new thinking that will support you in making healthy meals and taking control of your health.
What if . . . we viewed the kitchen as a place of comfort, fulfillment, engagement and fun–our pathway to health?
A Good Example Take the assumption that cooking is boring, a very common mindset barrier in today’s world.
While it is true that the illnesses we face are serious, it’s also clear that we need solutions that are both fun and delicious. That’s because it takes weeks, months and even years to prevent or turn around health problems that have been building over many years. Only if the path is fun and inviting will we stick to it, especially when the going gets tough.
The reason is simple: Fun things are things that we will do, willingly and consistently, for the long term. So we need to tackle the belief that cooking is boring and be open to experience how cooking can actually be engaging, interesting—and fun!

Breakthrough Thinking for Successful Meal Making Transformation
This is why my programs help us re-imagine and revitalize our thinking around meal making, helping us see it in a new light.
We’ve all heard how limited thinking can block us from achieving our heartfelt goals, just as surely as any physical barricade. Try on a new kind of thinking to support and speed you on the journey to your heartfelt eating goals.
Get Your Head Behind Your Actions for Powerful Results