Did I miss a critical piece of your support team?

A previous post talked about the importance of good eating support. The underlying point was this: If you want to be a healthy eater, you’ll get very little to no support from our food culture. But you’ll get plenty of support and even powerful encouragement to be an UN-healthy eater. Hence the need for assembling … Read more

Feel like the Lone Ranger on the healthy eating frontier?

Earlier this summer I had a classic “post-college-finals crash.” After closing a big house sale, I turned into a pile of mush, unable to do much besides stare out the window. Of course the workaholic part of me demanded that I get up and do something productive. But fortunately, I got calls from each of … Read more

Should You Hang Turnips Over Your Front Door?

This is the last article in a series devoted to ultra-processed foods or UPFs. I’ve written about them for a while because I feel so strongly that they are the root cause of our healthy eating deficiencies. Hopefully, you can see their dangers and feel motivated to start transitioning away from them, step by small … Read more

An overeating episode: Was it the chips or the choice of chips?

In a recent newsletter, holistic certified nutritionist Elyse Wagner made a vulnerable share. She described how she had made a super yummy bean dip for the Super Bowl and then proceeded, chip by chip, to eat “HALF yes, HALF of the bean dip before HALF TIME.” As an experienced health coach, Elyse knew she needed … Read more

Did you make it past White Flag Day?

Around January 19th, I saw a post notifying us that it was the “Official End of New Year’s Resolutions Day.” I call it the White Flag Day, the day we finally wave the white flag, throw in the towel and forget about our erstwhile resolutions that are barely three weeks old. There’s nothing too new … Read more

Should we welcome Autonomous Cooking?

Meal Making Transformation happens in sync with a transformation of our thinking, which includes developing an appreciation for mastery. A recent article* posed a tongue in cheek question: With all the talk about self-driving cars, why hasn’t the autonomous concept been applied to more areas? The author whimsically proposed a self-playing guitar since he’d never … Read more

Self-Care for the Season of Stress: Is the best kind free?

The Season of Stress is upon us! When my children were growing up, how many holiday seasons did I get wound up to the point of breaking? Every one! Back then, self-care wasn’t a “thing.” We all just stressed our way merrily through the holidays. Thank goodness, the importance of self-care and wellness have been … Read more

Are you a true believer?

Several short musings on the role of beliefs in Meal Making Transformation. See what thoughts they spark for you–and please share in the comments! Do you really believe all the talk about healthy eating? Or deep down, do you really think it’s a bunch of malarky? I think about that question a lot, because I … Read more