Food Day Every Day: Harvest Madness

It was a mad day.  Although a balmy 80 degrees by 10 in the morning, nightfall was predicted to bring a hard frost, i.e., the kind that extinguishes plants on contact, especially the more tender summer crop plants.  So I headed out early to bring in the last of the tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, basil and … Read more

Vegetables and Laundry Baskets

It’s not surprising that we think of vegetables as inanimate objects.  After all, we generally buy them in gigantic stores where, displayed in the next aisle over, might be anything from beauty products, pharmaceuticals and miscellaneous hardware items to winter gloves, engine oil and even laundry baskets. While it’s not hard to see a distinction … Read more

Aliveness and the Human Circuitry

How many times in a day do we touch something that’s alive?  I can think of plenty of non-alive things we come in contact with:  the steering wheel of a car, packaging for a breakfast bar, computer keyboard, coffee machine, coffee cup, gym equipment, machine-made microwaveable lunch, elevator buttons, chairs, clothing, silverware, plates, portable electronic … Read more

Parsley Salad

Parsley.  It’s all over my garden. That’s because parsley is one of those re-seeders. Plant it once and thereafter, wherever there’s the smallest patch of unoccupied soil, parsley will take up residence. Could be an example of abundance.  But it could equally be viewed as a weed problem. There’s only so much parsley a person … Read more

The Flip Side of Extravagance

Yesterday’s post talked about extravagance–something we get to indulge in because autumn is such a generous season. There’s a flip side, however:  Autumn isn’t bountiful with everything, only produce that ripens at this time of year.  While the collection of autumn-ripening produce is definitely the biggest, it doesn’t include things like asparagus, queen of spring, … Read more


Autumn is such an extravagant time.  Take red peppers, which come into season in the fall.  At any other time of year, organic red peppers can cost $3.50 a piece and should I buy one, it would be frugally parceled out into at least three dishes. In autumn, however, a gigantic organic pepper, as sweet … Read more

Food Day Every Day

Food Day is my kind of day–a day to celebrate food that is safe, healthful, affordable, local, seasonal and most of all delightfully delicious.  All over the country, there will be potlucks, film screenings, talks, food drives and other events in honor of Food Day.  Despite my best intentions to help organize some events, time … Read more

Fast Lunches–for Big Kids or Small

Looking for quick lunches that are wholesome, too? The frozen foods aisle has a good selection of real, whole foods all washed, cut and ready to pop in the microwave. Combine with a few strategic deli purchases and ready made sauces for a meal that’s faster than fast food but still tasty, fresh and healthful.