Are you missing the point of food and eating?

Calories. Are they lurking in your brain? Not actual calories, of course, but worries about calories? In other words, whenever you eat something, does calorie anxiety get rousted from the recesses of your brain and start making you uncomfortable: Wow, I bet there are a lot of calories in this _______________. I wonder how many … Read more

Seasonal Recipe: Creamy Coconut Mocktail

It’s the last day of August, but summer isn’t over yet–and neither is summer’s bounty of produce.  In fact, September is a banner time of year for produce.  So it’s a great time to boost your vegetable intake and get ready for leaner days. This cooler is a fun way to get in more vegetables–it’s … Read more

The Dangers of J.I.T. Shopping

Remember when the Covid-lockdown began in March? It was so surprising–and alarming–to see so many empty grocery store shelves. Our sudden grocery-buying spree caught grocers flat-footed because of a business practice called “Just-In-Time” or “J.I.T.” This practice saves businesses money because they can avoid having a lot of inventory on hand. Instead, right before running … Read more

Better Breakfasts for Beating the Blood Sugar Blues [VIDEO]

Trying to cut calories and save time by skipping breakfast?  It seems like an easy and harmless way to “save” on calories. You don’t have time for breakfast anyway, and it will be lunchtime before you know it. What could be wrong with the idea? Actually there are 8 Big Reasons why it’s a bad … Read more

“Help! There’s nothing in the frig to eat!”

Coming home from vacation can be depressing, but coming home to an empty frig makes it even worse. A couple nights ago, I got back from a trip to help my daughter with a cross-country move.  The flight home was fine and I got home as planned, at 7:30 p.m.  I had planned to go … Read more

Recipe: Tahini Kale and Tempeh Skillet

The perfect go-to recipe:  a one-dish meal made with convenient ingredients so it’s both flavorful and fast.  Perfect for busy and hectic nights, including post-vacation meal crises.   Step 1:  Simmer Tempeh and Kale 1 cup water 1 Tbsp. soy sauce 8 oz. pkg. unflavored tempeh, cut horizontally into 1/4” strips and then vertically into … Read more

Are You Suffering from “Feeling Disease”

First things first: what the heck is “Feeling Disease?” In a nutshell, it’s letting your feelings run your life. Wait, wait! Haven’t we been told that feelings are natural and it’s good to be in touch with them? That’s right. But there can also be too much of a good thing. With feelings, the “too … Read more

Recipe: Braised Leeks with Tomatoes and Olives

Leeks are a great cool-weather vegetable.  They are members of the onion family but are milder and sweeter than regular onions.  Because they are more tender and mild, however, they can burn more easily and therefor must be cooked more gently, generally on lower heats for longer times.  While in this recipe they are quickly … Read more