Over the course of the past week I met two new readers, both with interesting food backstories.
The first of these, Tom, approached me after a meeting where I had spoken briefly about the Meal Making Transformation work that I do. He wanted to learn more because he felt engulfed in a “river of food.”
I found that description so interesting. We didn’t have long to explore it, but I sensed that he was getting at the monotony of mealtimes. Day after day, he faced an endless flow of the same old meals. Even though they were reasonably healthful, he just felt deluged by the monotony.
Last week’s post warned about the dangers of boring food. It can cause us to opt for addictive processed foods and sweets to feel satisfied. Tom faced yet another danger: a diet lacking in diversity. It seemed to be made worse by a feeling of lethargy and lack of motivation that made healthy eating a tedious obligation rather an ever unfolding and engaging journey (although I don’t mean to intimate that healthy eating needs to be wildly exciting!)
Similarly, Sarah, the second new reader, was eating healthfully enough but was still feeling disconcerted. She and her husband seemed to eat the same things over and over, despite her efforts to mix things up a bit. She would watch cooking shows, find a few recipes and buy what was needed, but something new and different never showed up on the table while the ingredients wasted away in the fridge–and she hated wasting food like that.
The Solution: The Think-Ahead-and-Plan-Habit a/k/a Meal Planning I know what you’re thinking: BOOORING! But after 30 years in the field and as a meal planner myself, trust me that simple meal planning is also the most BRILLIANT habit to transform meal making.
The Reason: “Failing to plan means planning to fail.” Remember that saying? Meanwhile, writing an actual plan logs a commitment into your brain that vastly increases the chances that you’ll accomplish it. And you’ll be practically guaranteed meals with MORE:
- MORE diet diversity
- MORE interesting variety
- MORE mealtime fun, engagement and excitement
- MORE wholesomeness
- MORE money savings
- MORE time savings and
- LESS food waste

Experiment I always wish I could find the words to convince aspiring happy and healthy eaters that meal planning is the key to success. But if you don’t believe me then try this easy experiment:
Grab a scrap of paper or open your Notes app and write down a couple new ideas you’d like to try. They don’t have to be fancy. Consider this Asian Twist Salad–Take 2 idea for starters. Get what ingredients you need and then see if your meal inspiration doesn’t show up on the table.
Friendly Help If this experiment doesn’t deliver results, then my online meal planning how-to course is here to help. Most likely you’re facing some brain barriers, which is a big topic, along with all the how-tos, lots of meal ideas, quick-cook demos, practice planning sessions and a whole lot more. All at a very reasonable price. I hope you’ll join and experience the joy of making meals that make you both happy and healthy!
The #1 Most Boring But Also Most Brilliant Way to Make Healthy Meals You’ll Love