Are You Suffering from “Feeling Disease”

First things first: what the heck is “Feeling Disease?” In a nutshell, it’s letting your feelings run your life. Wait, wait! Haven’t we been told that feelings are natural and it’s good to be in touch with them? That’s right. But there can also be too much of a good thing. With feelings, the “too … Read more

Recipe: Braised Leeks with Tomatoes and Olives

Leeks are a great cool-weather vegetable.  They are members of the onion family but are milder and sweeter than regular onions.  Because they are more tender and mild, however, they can burn more easily and therefor must be cooked more gently, generally on lower heats for longer times.  While in this recipe they are quickly … Read more

Teaching Recipe and Video: Waste-Not-Want-Not Cream of Broccoli Soup

I call this a feel good soup because you can: Feel good about taking good care of yourself by eating more nutrition-packed vegetables Feel good budget-wise because you’ll enjoy a great dish for FREE since you’re using up stalks that otherwise go in the trash Feel good about taking care of the environment because you’re … Read more

Why to Love Food Restrictions–and even create your own!

  A running shoe company (Adidas, I think) used to have a “No Bounds” marketing campaign.  The idea was to encourage runners to break through barriers and boundaries–not only physical but mental, too. It was a great idea for running–and many other pursuits, too.  But not for eating.  When it comes to eating, boundaries can … Read more

Vegetable of the Season Recipe: Kale with Creamy Tahini Sauce

Late autumn is the time for kale.  It’s a “cool weather crop,” which means that it tastes best when grown and harvested in cooler temps.  However, even then it will still have a little of kale’s characteristically strong flavor.  That’s why, no matter the season, I like to pair kale with the mild creaminess of … Read more

Who’s Behind Those Vegetables in the Produce Aisle

I was humbled by appreciation today.  My CSA farm couldn’t find enough workers to keep up with the harvest so a number of members volunteered to help pick cucumbers and garlic.  Kneel down, bend over, lift, squat, lift, then repeat, again and again.  We kept up with the back-breaking work for three hours or so. … Read more