Healthy Eating: Afraid of Giving Up Your Food Favorites?

Isn’t it crazy that food can cause actual fear? Yet for many of us, the thought of “health-ifying” our diet does indeed cause at least an undercurrent of consternation, anxiousness, maybe despair. But what if it isn’t just about the food . . . and what if there’s an easier solution than sacrifice? Obviously we … Read more

Does eating lots of salads = being a healthy eater?

The 4 dangers of “Salad Thinking” People often tell me they eat salads all the time and wonder if that isn’t a sure sign they’re eating healthy. Certainly, eating salads is a good thing–and it sure beats having a side of Cheetos for dinner!  But is it enough to automatically qualify you for “healthy eating … Read more

Recipe: 3 Diet Diversity Salads for Early Spring

Does eating salads automatically make you a healthy eater?  That’s a tricky question which this post addressed.  The bottom line, of course, is that salads are a good addition to your diet as long as you avoid The 4 Dangers of Salad Thinking:  Make sure your salads are wildly diverse, moderate on the toppings and … Read more

“Havers” and “Doers:” Which are you?

A sales trainer was giving a talk recently where he asked a curious question.  For coaches like me, he recommended asking new prospects, “Do you want the result or do you want the process?” To illustrate his point, he asked his audience, “Who here wants to get in better shape?” More than a few people … Read more

Recipe: Buckwheat Kasha with Carrots and Cabbage

The instructions make this dish look more complicated than it is.  Simply put, you just: Saute some onions and reserve for adding later. In the same pan, toast the buckwheat and spices using the “scrambled egg method.” Now simmer the buckwheat with a flavorful broth, gradually adding first carrots and then cabbage to cook with … Read more

The Scariest Part of the Scariest Disease

Disease is a frightening thing. We’ve all heard of someone hit out of the blue with a devastating diagnosis–so it’s not uncommon to harbor an undercurrent of fear: Will I be next? While all chronic diseases are scary, it feels like Alzheimer’s is uniquely so, with its years-long, downward spiral, to a place of confusion, … Read more

Podcast: Caring for Yourself and Others with Less Stress and More Well-Being

Today’s trio of articles on Alzheimer’s was sparked by Barbra Cohn, author of Calmer Waters: The Caregiver’s Journey Through Alzheimer’s & Dementia. For ten years, Barbra cared for her husband as he suffered through and eventually died from early onset Alzheimer’s. Her book is a tribute to that time, the challenges of caregiving and the … Read more