How a Good Food Goes Bad
Chronicling the downfall of the sweet potato.
Chronicling the downfall of the sweet potato.
After reading a Nutrition Action article bursting the healthy halo around sweet potato fries, I got busy and recorded how I make Roasted Sweet Potato Sticks. While not an exact replica of a crispy fry, they are a darn good-tasting substitute for the high-fat, high-salt, high-sugar dish cropping up in restaurants these days. So if … Read more
How many times have you wished your kitchen life could be more in control? Check out this giveaway to the first to claim it.
It’s January and who isn’t afflicted by the organizing bug? As a kitchen organizer, I can tell you that a friendly, manageable kitchen environment is key to healthier, tastier meals, so please follow through on those organizing urges! But this New Year, how about putting some fun and laughs into a task that’s usually counted … Read more
In the News: Is your meat fabricated from drugs or grown from food? Walmart just started airing an ad as part of its “Steak-Over” series. Filmed at CU’s Folsom Football Field, the ad shows Buffalo fans first lauding some steaks hot off the tailgate grill and then being surprised to learn that they came from … Read more
What’s your go-to meal for something fast, healthy and yummy? For me, it’s skillet dishes, hands down. Learn to make one and you can vary it a hundred ways, never have to struggle through a recipe, and almost invariably end up with a darn tasty meal.
I may be the last one to the baking soda party, but I’m solidly there now. After buying a new box the other day, I happened to notice all the uses listed on the package. The stuff worked beautifully–easy, pretty shine and nothing that will harm our health or the planet’s health. And lest I … Read more
. . . and What’s It Got to Do with Fast and Healthy Meals? Lately, my friend Ray has been talking a lot about his “melange.” You, like me, may be wondering what he’s talking about, so I did some investigative work. Here’s what Ray has to say about his curious combo and why it’s … Read more
Good thing Americans are decreasing their soda consumption. In addition to a multitude of health benefits, we’ll save ourselves a lot of pain by reducing the risk of developing kidney stones. The Center for Science in the Public Interest just posted the results of a recent study: “Drinking more fluids is thought to prevent kidney … Read more
People Ditch Sodas for Water and Other Encouraging Shifts Which do you think will come first: we eat ourselves to death or we bankrupt ourselves with health care costs? As dismal statistics continue rolling in about the state of our collective health, I find myself toying with that kind of no-win wager. So it inspired … Read more