Recipe: Using Beans in Green Salads

This salad features canned and frozen mix-ins. While these convenient foods are a good way to quickly perk up a salad, they’re also great for adding color, texture and heartiness to salads in the winter months, when tomatoes, cucumbers and other common salad standbys are out of season (and are therefore quite expensive and not very tasty.)

Quick Recipe: Miso Chard Soup

Miso is a thick seasoning paste made from soybeans.  It hails from Japan, where it has been eaten for centuries.  To the modern kitchen it brings flavor that’s super fast but nutritious .  Really, you don’t have to fool with any other seasonings.  Just add a dollop of no-to-low calorie miso and you get amazing … Read more

The High Cost of Healthy Food?

Moving the Conversation Past the Dead End Sign It’s a mantra, said almost automatically any more:  “I can’t afford healthy food.  It’s too expensive.” Like Time, Affordability is a dead-ender.  In other words, once raised, it effectively dead ends a conversation about healthy eating.  If we don’t have time or can’t afford good food, then … Read more

Trip to a Food Basket

There’s a part of Colorado you probably don’t know about.  Mostly, we Coloradans live in a narrow band of settlement, strung out along the foothills that run north and south.  From there, Colorado stretches to the west, into the spectacular peaks, canyons, mesas and forests that make Colorado a natural playground. But there’s a part … Read more

Greengages and Variety

I remember reading about it years ago, in Eat Here, Reclaiming Homegrown Pleasures in a Global Supermarket.  Among hundreds of interesting insights into our food system, Brian Halweil revealed this tidbit:  Britain’s National Collection features of 2000 varieties of apples!  What’s more, spread among this diversity is an almost continuous harvest, with some varieties ripening … Read more