How to Bread Fish, Meat and Vegetables

One building block cooking technique, dozens of dishes Here at EveryDay Good Eating, we like to take the mystery out of cooking.  We believe everyone can make–and deserves to enjoy–deliciously healthful food, everyday.  That’s why we teach basic, building block cooking techniques that can be mixed and matched to create a wide range of dishes.  … Read more

Q & A: How to Heat Oil for Sauteing

Kitchen Tip (+ a Little Kitchen Wisdom) At a recent Cooking Get Together we were preparing to saute onions for a healthy risotto.  As always, the recipe said, “heat oil until hot but not smoking.”  That directive led one of the participants to ask: Q.  When heating oil to saute, do you heat the pan … Read more

Recipe: Beef and Onion Saute with Rhubarb Gratin

Discover the Savory Side of Rhubarb Accustomed to seeing rhubarb in fruit desserts, it may come as a surprise to learn that it is actually a vegetable.  This is good news, however, as it presents a whole raft of additional uses for this exotically red food that is so abundant in spring when the foodscape … Read more

Why We Love Seasonal Eating

Mealtimes that are easier tastier and more fun Seasonal eating gets a lot of press these days.  Usually it’s in the context of eating locally, since the two go hand in hand.  Sometimes it’s in the context of saving money, since seasonal produce is  less expensive than produce grown in greenhouses or shipped from different … Read more

Building Your “Tasting Muscles”–and Putting Them to Good Use

The ill consequences of our couch potato culture aren’t limited to flabby abs and saggy triceps. All the homogenized foods that comprise the bulk of our diet have gradually eroded our “tasting muscles,” too, making it harder to enjoy and be satisfied with foods we feel good about eating.

The Freezer: Are You Friends Yet?

Deals and Convenience Await Those Who Make Friends with this Wonder Appliance I’m always singing the praises of the freezer pantry, and  in September’s newsletter I alerted readers to a frozen fruit and fish buying opportunity.  Apologies in advance for being an “I told you so” person, but I’m now reaping so many benefits from … Read more

Spinach Sauteed with Bacon and Pears

We’ve been told that bacon is unhealthy,but is it really as bad as they say?  Check out how that question got answered in the previous post, Bad Boy Bacon VS. The Cheese Danish.  Then enjoy the incomparable flavor of (a little) bacon in this dish that’s perfect for spring and autumn, when spinach is in … Read more

Bad Boy Bacon VS. The Cheese Danish

What a way to stir up controversy, angst and anxiety:  At a health fair last week, we demonstrated Spinach Sauteed with Pears and Bacon.  Yes, you read that right.  We made a dish featuring none other than bad boy bacon.  Not turkey bacon, not a vegetarian imitation, not a special lean variety, just good old … Read more