Holiday Dinners: The Salad Strategy

If you care about weight maintenance, holiday dinners are where your resolve gets tested.   Assuming there are any healthful options at all, it’s most likely a gloppy coleslaw, tray of cold raw vegetables with ranch dressing, or whatever other tasteless nod to nutrition a deli can concoct. Theoretically, you could be virtuous and subsist on … Read more

Diet Season Is Coming! Plan Now for After the Diet

By definition, a “diet” is an interlude of eating differently than normal, and at some point, that interlude has to end. Since we know that’s the ending to every diet story, why not plan for a good exit strategy? What will eating look like for the rest of your life, once your diet interlude it over?

Immersion Blenders: Economical Alternative to Food Processor for Creamy Soups

Food processors can be expensive, not only in terms of dollars but also in terms of the counter space they consume (a “cost” that runs especially high in small kitchens.)  But don’t let these barriers prevent you from experiencing the comfort and warmth of creamy winter soups.  An immersion blender is a much smaller and … Read more