Why I Won’t Be Watching the Olympics

“Olympics Offer Flatt, Abbott Chance for Marketing Mettle.”  So read the headlines after Rachael Flatt and Jeremy Abbott won national skating titles.  Not to take anything from these athletes.  They both sound like wonderful people.  And it’s not a lack of interested in figure skating.  I used to love watching it. But now, it’s the … Read more

Vegetable Exhaustion

Ever suffer from vegetable-making exhaustion and wonder if there’s any hope for a peaceful coexistence with vegetables? “Investment thinking” may be your ticket for hope.

The “Good to Better Cooking Continuum” at 11,000 Feet

Maybe cooking was never meant to be an exact science, subject to one-dimensional assessment on a good/bad scale. Taking this perspective eliminates the pressure to achieve absolute “rightness” in the kitchen, replacing it with a no-pressure opportunity to just make things better.

How to Use Up Halloween Pumpkins

Picture Recipe:  Pumpkin Red Bean Tostadas About now, there are likely a lot of pumpkins sitting around having the post-Halloween blues.   While most are the big Jack-O-Lantern variety with little flavor (and many of those are coated in candle wax), you may have a couple of the small, round sugar pumpkins left over from … Read more

The Cabbage Core Challenge

We want to eat more vegetables, but what if they are pretty awful tasting? Four easy tricks take the nasty taste from the harsher tasting vegetables.

Danger in the Gluten-Free Aisle

New gluten-free products are making it easy to live without gluten, but are we missing the bigger, teachable moment–and rewards–of a gluten-intolerance diagnosis?