Antioxidants and IV Drips: What They Have in Common

We know vegetables provide mega doses of antioxidants, but research now shows that those antioxidants don’t stick around very long at all. So if we want to benefit continuously from the disease-fighting benefits of antioxidants then our vegetable-eating needs to be steady and continuous, kind of like an IV drip! Join me on Twitter for fast vegetable ideas to eat all day long.

How About a Quick, “White-Free” Snack

Feel yourself getting sucked into a 4:00 p.m. “White Snack” attack? The best defense is a good offense. In this case, that means having a ready, handy, really tasty substitute for pretzels, crackers, cookies and Goldfish. Try Jicima Sticks with Black Bean Hummus instead.

What to Make with Brown Rice

If you love pizza but want something healthier than what your local pizza joint delivers, here’s a perfect option that doesn’t take long to make: Rice Crust Pizza with Roasted Red Pepper Pesto, Chard and Caramelized Onions

About CSAs and Pickled Turnips

If you’re CSA member (stands for Community Supported Agriculture), then you know about surprises.  Open your weekly delivery and there could be anything inside.  Last week I got a surprise that probably no one can beat:  A jar of pickled turnips! As a Certified Vegetable Guide (!), I’m pretty good at devising uses for odd … Read more

What’s for Dinner on Hot Summer Nights?

When the weather turns hot, deciding what’s for dinner can leave you feeling completely cold and clueless. The problem may lie less with the weather and more with our mealtime “wardrobe.” Find out how to add a little “summer style” to make your mealtime lineup more appealing when the hot weather rolls in.

Scrubbing Vegetables: “Veggie Scrub” Makes It Easier

Check out this great new 2-for-1 find:  A vegetable scrubber + fresh herb colander for just $3.50 Although I’m a still big fan of my $2.50 nail scrubber from the cleaning supply store, I put the “Veggie Scrub” to the test on Jerusalem artichokes (also known as sunchokes.)  These gnarly and knobby vegetables are the … Read more