Recipe: Salmon Poached in Rhubarb Sauce

It’s the Season! Discover the Savory Side of Rhubarb Eating with the seasons automatically delivers wonderful diet diversity. Case in point: Rhubarb! Rhubarb is actually a vegetable even though it’s mostly used in desserts, probably because we yearn to pair its tart flavor with something sweet. But the tartness of rhubarb, in small amounts, actually … Read more

DIY Tip: Make Your Own Ozempic

Ozempic and its many weight-loss cousins are getting a lot of press these days, so here’s some helpful information that I gleaned while researching Dr. Jason Fung’s theories for this article, What If Eating Is the Key to Weight Loss? As you remember, Dr. Fung drew attention to the important role hormones play in terms … Read more

The Kitchen as Environmental Activist Site?

Not long after starting my healthy eating journey I had a major revelation: Besides being the pathway to health, the kitchen offered endless opportunities to be green! So as I became healthier, I could help the planet become healthier, too. Here are a couple of the many “activist actions” I’ve discovered. Action#1: Skip Non-Stick One … Read more

26 and counting . . .

When I first entered the healthy eating field 33 years ago, I excitedly read article after article about new health studies. But after a couple years, things got a little boring. I had hoped to uncover some crown jewels, i.e., the key secrets to healthy eating. While I came across a couple small and exciting … Read more

Start in Middle Age to Prevent Dementia in Older Age

MAYBE SURPRISING: Dementia doesn’t just pop up when we get older. “Midlife, not your 70s and 80s, is when brain changes start to occur that can pave the way toward dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline later.”(1) That’s why experts advise taking action in middle age (or probably as soon as possible if you missed … Read more

The Lazy Person’s Guide to Healthy Eating: Answer to a Reader’s Question

After last month’s newsletter with the Creamy Potato Soup recipe I got an email from one of our readers: “I have a question on that soup. I’ve always heard potatoes have a lot of starch and carbs, and since I’m trying to eat really healthy these days, I’d like to hear your thoughts.  I’m guessing you … Read more