Revving Up to Cook for Just One (or Two)

“Now that my husband has been gone almost a week on a photography trip, I must say that I don’t know how you come up with healthy meals throughout the day for just yourself.” This message came from one of our community readers, and it made me stop and think: I do make a healthy … Read more

Chasing Supplements (Part 1)

Here’s a sampling of the many supplement pitches I get every week or so. Save $100 on my 2 most prescribed products: Somnium & Lymphflo Vitamin K2: Beyond Bone and Heart Health Melatonin for more than sleep Enjoy better energy and cardiovascular health with Nitric Oxide New GI-Mood Probiotic The perfect protein powder for diabetics … Read more

“Emergency” Food Provisions (Partly FREE!)

Got home from a trip to Oregon a couple days ago, right about dinnertime. Maybe I could have taken 30 minutes to drive somewhere, pick up something and drive home. Bussing home from the airport, however, I landed on a much better option that took even less time. It was conveniently waiting in my freezer … Read more

A “River of Food” and a practical solution

Over the course of the past week I met two new readers, both with interesting food backstories. The first of these, Tom, approached me after a meeting where I had spoken briefly about the Meal Making Transformation work that I do. He wanted to learn more because he felt engulfed in a “river of food.” … Read more

Recipe: Boredom-Beating Asian Twist Salad–Take 2

In a previous post I shared my “recipe philosophy” for successful Meal Making Transformation. Because we need meal making to be manageable enough to do every day, we need manageable recipes, too. That’s why I’m starting this recipe with last week’s simple Green Salad with an Asian Twist so you can build on an already-familiar … Read more

Does Eating Irish Sea Moss Make You a Healthy Eater?

Apparently, the latest “it” food is Irish Sea Moss. But not the kind traditionally harvested along the Atlantic coasts of America and Europe, which is used to make soups, custards and ice creams. Today’s version is manufactured into highly profitable tinctures, supplements, gummies and even “skin smoothies,” sporting incredible health claims and endorsed by multiple … Read more

Boring Food Is Dangerous! A Quick, Boredom-Beating Remedy

Raise a hand if you’re often bored with the food that shows up on your plate. While a little boredom here and there is fairly common and not too worrisome, a steady diet of boring meals is actually dangerous. That’s because boring meals can leave us feeling “blah,” rather than satisfied, comforted and nourished after … Read more

Spring Planting–without getting your hands dirty!

There is a new podcast I’ve been listening to called Go Play in the Dirt. It shares information on health and nutrition topics you’ve probably heard about but don’t quite understand e.g., metabolic health, intuitive eating and thyroid support. The “Dirt” part comes in as a reminder of the foundational health role played by the … Read more