Recipe: Curried Celery for Seasonal Eating

Eating with the Seasons: What to eat when there’s nothing in the fridge? Ever open the fridge and panic because there’s nothing to eat? That’s how I felt a couple nights ago because I hadn’t gotten to the store. But wait! What about the celery sitting all alone in the back of the produce drawer? … Read more

Another Quick Marketing Quiz: Guess the Message

This mac ‘n cheese ad looks like a perfectly normal ad, right? Lusciously tempting food pic + catchy tagline. You see it, it registers, but likely as not it “goes in one ear (or eye) and out the other.” At least that’s what we think happens. The creators of these ads are not stupid. There … Read more

The Kitchen as Environmental Activist Site?

Not long after starting my healthy eating journey I had a major revelation: Besides being the pathway to health, the kitchen offered endless opportunities to be green! So as I became healthier, I could help the planet become healthier, too. Here are a couple of the many “activist actions” I’ve discovered. Action#1: Skip Non-Stick One … Read more

26 and counting . . .

When I first entered the healthy eating field 33 years ago, I excitedly read article after article about new health studies. But after a couple years, things got a little boring. I had hoped to uncover some crown jewels, i.e., the key secrets to healthy eating. While I came across a couple small and exciting … Read more