“Healthy eating:” Two words with the power to spark enormous stress. Those two words can easily send our minds swirling with confusion–and likely as not, a good measure of guilt as well. “Am I doing enough? Am I eating too many carbs? Should I be juicing more? Are eggs on the good list or bad?”
Suspended Judgment: There’s a secret for happy and healthful eating, but can you first even imagine that eating well is a lot easier than you think? Could you believe that it doesn’t have to be really hard, guilt-laden or worrisome?

Seasonal Eating: The key to eating well, happily and easily, without worry or guilt. Let me make the case, beginning with a definition of “seasonal eating.” Seasonal eating is really place-based eating, i.e., for the place where you find yourself, eating what the earth provides, when the earth provides it, in the amounts provided by the earth.
“Place” is a critical to seasonal eating. The term is otherwise meaningless since at any one point in time, a produce item is “in season” somewhere in the world and can be found in the produce aisle of your local grocery store. Only when eating is tied to place do we reap the many benefits of a true seasonal approach. In an interesting paradox, it is the limiting aspects of place-based eating that are the source of its many advantages.
Read on to discover the many benefits–health and otherwise–of seasonal eating. . . . I’ve discovered at least a dozen.
In the meantime, if you’re ready to start the seasonal eating journey, join us for one of our Healthy, Seasonal Meal Making Classes.