Recipe: What to Do with Leftover Millet

H1–Millet Pilaf Pancake with Greens

H2 Millet Pilaf Pancake with Greens

H3 Millet Pilaf Pancake with Greens

H4 Millet Pilaf Pancake with Greens

H5  Millet Pilaf Pancake with Greens
H6 Millet Pilaf Pancake with Greens

Have you tried the recipe for Millet Pilaf with Dried Mushrooms?  You might notice something about millet:  1 cup of uncooked millet makes a lot of pilaf!

While I didn’t actually measure the finished product, I’ve always noticed that millet cooks up to more than, say, brown rice.  So after two days of straight leftovers, I was scratching my head for options.

Our recent class on the Think Ahead and Plan Habit talked about leftovers since they can be a big challenge.  I shared a simple system for making patties and loafs as a way to use up leftovers.  And that is what came to mind this morning as I cast about for ideas to use, rather than toss, my leftover millet pilaf.

Picture of Millet Pilaf Pacake with Greens
This “pancake solution” can be used with other leftover grains, too, like brown rice, buckwheat and quinoa.

Knowing the simple “Pancake System,” it was easy to make a “Millet Pilaf Pancake with Greens.”  Saute onions and greens, stir in the cooked millet and a spice blend, then form into a pancake shape.  Pour an egg-milk mixture over the top and cook, covered, over low heat.  Flipping the pancake is the only (slightly) tricky part–but don’t worry if your pancake doesn’t come out as a perfect whole.  It will still taste good!

If you’re interested in learning to plan and cook fun and nutritious meals like this, join my next Think Ahead and Plan class coming in June 2018.

Millet Reheating Tip

In the meantime, here’s another quick tip:  When reheating leftover millet, add a little moisture, e.g., sprinkle a few drops of water over the millet and cover before microwaving.  While this technique is particularly helpful with millet, being a pretty dry grain, it does a nice job perking up any grain dish you reheat.

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