FREE Food: A Powerful Purslane Meal Idea

A few weeks ago I watched a fascinating series called The Healing Kitchen, which shared many traditional and ancestral healing herbs and plants. It reminded me about humble little purslane, a “weed” you see everywhere and walk right by (or on.) Not long after, I was visiting a friend whose front garden bed was filled … Read more

[VIDEO] Ideas, Tips, Strategies and a Fun Roundtable Conversation with 4 Healthy Eating Experts

Meal Making Transformation is a rich subject that opens a window to many interesting topics, as you’ll see in the webinar below. Today’s post shares something new and different: a joint healthy eating webinar and roundtable discussion with me and three nutritionists. We had a lot of fun with this different podcast form. I hope … Read more

Spring Planting–without getting your hands dirty!

There is a new podcast I’ve been listening to called Go Play in the Dirt. It shares information on health and nutrition topics you’ve probably heard about but don’t quite understand e.g., metabolic health, intuitive eating and thyroid support. The “Dirt” part comes in as a reminder of the foundational health role played by the … Read more

Recipe: Warming Winter Kale Salad

Warm Kale Salad

Squashes and Roots Winter is the time for hard squashes as well as root vegetables like beets, carrots, rutabagas, potatoes, celery root, turnips and parsnips.  They are at their flavorful best in winter and are also more affordable. As part of my winter farm share from Monroe Organic Farm, I get lots of squash and … Read more

Who’s Behind Those Vegetables in the Produce Aisle

I was humbled by appreciation today.  My CSA farm couldn’t find enough workers to keep up with the harvest so a number of members volunteered to help pick cucumbers and garlic.  Kneel down, bend over, lift, squat, lift, then repeat, again and again.  We kept up with the back-breaking work for three hours or so. … Read more

Turnips, Kohlrabi, Radishes and Other Odd Vegetables

The Key to Survival:  Odd Vegetables? Last week, we got kohlrabi in our CSA boxes for a second time in a row. Chatting with a fellow CSA* member she complained, “Why did we get kohlrabi again? Can’t they just give us vegetables we know?” Our personal vegetable kingdoms are frequently divided between “vegetables we know” … Read more

CSAs: Sign Up Now for Great Produce, Good Meat

“Think Ahead” That’s the key to reaping the benefits of a CSA. You will be hungry this summer and autumn, just like you are every day. That won’t change. What can change is thinking ahead now and ordering a CSA. Each week, you’ll have a magnificent box of produce and clean meat. Then, when you’re hungry, you’ll fill yourself up with real food that nourishes and nurtures, i.e., what you really want to be eating.