Recipe: Slow Cooker Kohlrabi Gratin

Cooking vegetables gratin-style is a delicious option–in the winter. Because a gratin is baked an hour or so, it’s tough to even think about making one in the heat of summer. Hence the slow cooker version in this recipe. Of course in cooler weather, you can also bake this dish at 350 (F) for an … Read more

Turnips, Kohlrabi, Radishes and Other Odd Vegetables

The Key to Survival:  Odd Vegetables? Last week, we got kohlrabi in our CSA boxes for a second time in a row. Chatting with a fellow CSA* member she complained, “Why did we get kohlrabi again? Can’t they just give us vegetables we know?” Our personal vegetable kingdoms are frequently divided between “vegetables we know” … Read more

Spinning Leftovers for a Week of Dinners—plus a Lunch

Leftovers are a common problem for solo cooks. Not just extra servings of a dish, but also all the vegetables, seasonings, meat, rice, and other ingredients left over from making the dish. See how those left overs can be turned from problems to possibilities.

Recipe: Quick Kale Huevos

June can be frustrating for seasonal eaters in Colorado. We’re ready for the riotous color of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant but our gardens and markets are filled with greens that can withstand our unpredictable, often brutal springs. So in the vein of making lemonade with life’s lemons, here’s a quick idea to make flavorful use of kale–or chard or spinach.