Turnips, Kohlrabi, Radishes and Other Odd Vegetables

The Key to Survival:  Odd Vegetables? Last week, we got kohlrabi in our CSA boxes for a second time in a row. Chatting with a fellow CSA* member she complained, “Why did we get kohlrabi again? Can’t they just give us vegetables we know?” Our personal vegetable kingdoms are frequently divided between “vegetables we know” … Read more

CSAs: Sign Up Now for Great Produce, Good Meat

“Think Ahead” That’s the key to reaping the benefits of a CSA. You will be hungry this summer and autumn, just like you are every day. That won’t change. What can change is thinking ahead now and ordering a CSA. Each week, you’ll have a magnificent box of produce and clean meat. Then, when you’re hungry, you’ll fill yourself up with real food that nourishes and nurtures, i.e., what you really want to be eating.

Recipe: Using Beans in Green Salads

This salad features canned and frozen mix-ins. While these convenient foods are a good way to quickly perk up a salad, they’re also great for adding color, texture and heartiness to salads in the winter months, when tomatoes, cucumbers and other common salad standbys are out of season (and are therefore quite expensive and not very tasty.)

Affordable Organics?

Think organics are too expensive? Try this on for size: What if, every time you purchased an organic vegetable, you actually got not just one but two or three vegetables? No doubt that would make the economic equation a lot more attractive.