Recipe: 3 Diet Diversity Salads for Early Spring

Does eating salads automatically make you a healthy eater?  That’s a tricky question which this post addressed.  The bottom line, of course, is that salads are a good addition to your diet as long as you avoid The 4 Dangers of Salad Thinking:  Make sure your salads are wildly diverse, moderate on the toppings and … Read more

Recipe: Daikon Radish Miso Soup and the Benefits of Bitter

Ever notice your body “talking to you” when there’s a change of seasons? Over the past couple weeks, as autumn has moved into Colorado, I’ve been receiving some pretty strong messages around giving my body a rest: eating a little more lightly, eating less. Of course, being someone who loves to eat, I’ve been fighting … Read more

Recipe: Slow Cooker Kohlrabi Gratin

Cooking vegetables gratin-style is a delicious option–in the winter. Because a gratin is baked an hour or so, it’s tough to even think about making one in the heat of summer. Hence the slow cooker version in this recipe. Of course in cooler weather, you can also bake this dish at 350 (F) for an … Read more

CSAs: Sign Up Now for Great Produce, Good Meat

“Think Ahead” That’s the key to reaping the benefits of a CSA. You will be hungry this summer and autumn, just like you are every day. That won’t change. What can change is thinking ahead now and ordering a CSA. Each week, you’ll have a magnificent box of produce and clean meat. Then, when you’re hungry, you’ll fill yourself up with real food that nourishes and nurtures, i.e., what you really want to be eating.

Recipe: Using Beans in Green Salads

This salad features canned and frozen mix-ins. While these convenient foods are a good way to quickly perk up a salad, they’re also great for adding color, texture and heartiness to salads in the winter months, when tomatoes, cucumbers and other common salad standbys are out of season (and are therefore quite expensive and not very tasty.)

The Beauty of Relishes

Could relish-making be the key for busy people who want nutritious meals without spending a lot of time in the kitchen? Time to move it from quaint and old-fashioned and into the category of vital skills for healthy eaters.