How to go forward by going back . . . and the bigger picture

This is the final part of a series on Food Marketing that explores why we need a different kind of smarts to stay healthy in an unhealthy food environment, i.e., “marketing-smarts.” The last few posts talked about the dangerous influence of marketing when it comes to making food choices. You might remember the mac ‘n … Read more

Does Chinese Diabetes Epidemic Holds Seeds of Change?

Need some motivation to begin growing and changing your taste buds? Two recent posts have explained how our taste buds are like gatekeepers between our good eating intentions and the hand that holds the fork.  If these gatekeepers can be recruited as allies, they can be a huge help on the healthy eating journey.  While … Read more

Mary’s on Fox 31–Quick Tricks for Fast Gourmet Green Beans

We all know that Thanksgiving can be a huge undertaking. To keep from getting overwhelmed, it’s nice to plan a couple dishes on the simpler side. This recipe incorporates four tricks for easy, gourmet flair.

The Denver Post Quotes The Kitchen Dahla Blog

Last week, The Denver Post‘s Food section quoted us in an article by Kristen Browning-Blas: “Dealing with kitchen phobias head on“ Here’s the intro: Now that our political fears have been allayed or amplified (depending on whom you voted for), let’s put the attack ads behind us and face our kitchen phobias. When I asked … Read more