Is Life Too Convenient? Have We Overdone It?

“Life for Rent”  That’s the title of a a recent article on co-living, a new form of shared rental housing that includes amenities like changing the sheets and towels, house cleaning and even topping off the toiletries. In addition, these rentals include social mangers to help plan tenants’ social calendars–finding “creative ways to get them … Read more

Convenience Foods: Would You Buy a 4-Seat Sedan for a 5-Person Family?

What’ s the biggest barrier we face on the journey to healthful eating? Surprisingly, it’s not that we can’t cook, don’t have the right recipes or need more gadgets. No, that devil Time is what gets in our way. Are convenience foods the answer, or are they like buying a 4-seat sedan for a 5-person family?

Investment Thinking at the Grocery Store

Hate grocery shopping? “Investment thinking” will keep you out of the aisles and free up more time to make the healthy, economical meals you want to be eating.