Better Breakfasts for Beating the Blood Sugar Blues [VIDEO]

Trying to cut calories and save time by skipping breakfast?  It seems like an easy and harmless way to “save” on calories. You don’t have time for breakfast anyway, and it will be lunchtime before you know it. What could be wrong with the idea?

Actually there are 8 Big Reasons why it’s a bad idea–which is 1 Big Reason to watch this video if you’re tempted to be a breakfast skipper.

But if you want to cut right to the chase, here’s the punchline–the bottom line advice. It all has to do with carbs:

  1. Transition to Better Carbs
  2. Reduce Carbs and
  3. Balance Your Breakfast Carbs with Protein, Fat–and Even Veggies

Why am I giving away the bottom line right now? Because as always, healthy eating isn’t rocket science. It always boils down to eating real, whole foods in balance and diversity.

No Top-Secret Information I know we’re all waiting for the one, easy secret for having wonderful, energetic health. But we already know everything we need to start eating healthfully.  (Hint:  Eat the zucchini rather than the zucchini bread!) How to eat well isn’t confidential information, accessible only to the high priests of nutrition. Search “Blood Sugar Roller Coaster” and you can access everything you need to know about the Better Breakfast Formula. And it doesn’t require a PhD to understand.*

DOING  Far more important than continually searching for more and more information is doing–translating the basic formula into meals on the table. So if I’ve shared enough information to get you started, then by all means, stop waiting and start doing!

How the Video Can Help  But you might benefit from watching the video for:

  • Motivation  Discovering those 8 Big Reasons why it’s not a good idea to skip breakfast
  • More Motivation   Get more motivation to change eating habits (read: transition away from not-so-healthy comfort foods) by learning how the body works. What are the invisible consequences that happen inside the body when we feed it “not-foods.”  Discover why you should believe the research behind the blood sugar roller coaster–rather than ads for Pop Tarts and Frosted Flakes.
  • The Happy Breakfast Pathway   Worried about trying to make huge changes overnight? Learn how to make a gradual, totally doable but effective transition to Better Breakfasts.
  • Vegetables for Breakfast, Really?  Yes, you’ll find out why you want to take the super-weird step of balancing your breakfast carbs with veggies–and they actually make tasty additions.
  • Cooking Inspiration Watch as I make a unique and yummy Better Breakfast that is easy enough for everyday. (See the pic above)
  • TimeSmart(R) Strategies  Of course mornings are hectic, which is why I share 8 strategies to make DOING Better Breakfasts doable with a busy life.
  • Don’t Worry About Starving  Get good recipes and ideas for tasty breakfasts. But as importantly, find out what might work better than more recipes on the Better Breakfast journey.
  • Great Q & A   I offered this class live a few weeks ago and class members asked great questions that I wrote out with my answers.  Comment below and I can send you the report.
  • Recipes  You can also request a copy of the handouts with recipes.
  • My Journey How I went from a donut-binger to happily eating blood sugar friendly breakfasts. Learn how I went down the wrong path so you don’t have to do the same thing!

Finally, see how your body can become your best friend, ally and accountability buddy for an energizing start to the day.

*IMPORTANT NOTE/DISCLAIMER I am not a health care practitioner. The information above simply reflects general nutritional information available to anyone via the Internet. If you are experiencing particular health issues, please do see a good nutritional counselor to adapt the basic formula for your needs. I can recommend a couple of practitioners if needed.

May you enjoy (yes, enjoy!) good-tasting and good-for-you breakfasts!

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