Getting More Beans Into Your Diet

Get to Know Them Gradually is Key

The last post on cooking tips for beans got me going on a bean theme.  So you’ll be seeing several quick posts on beans.  The timing is actually quite good, as it’s winter here in Colorado and the cold always stirs a desire for comfort food. While most people consider things like mashed potatoes and mac ‘n cheese to be the ultimate comfort foods, beans are right up there in terms of a food that soothes, warms and comforts.

Asparagus Soup with Black Beans
Beans add delightful contrast dishes. Here, a plain asparagus puree gets highlighted with black beans.

Granted, many view beans as “desert island” food, as in, something reserved for when they are stranded on a desert island.  But those in the know see gold in a batch of colorful beans.  In case you’ve yet to discover this treasure, read through this series for know-how and insights to help unlock the incredible, comforting goodness hidden within the humble bean.

Practical Tips

Willing to try?  Then to begin with, don’t look at beans as a substitute for meat, especially if you’re a meat lover.  They are two completely different foods and aren’t meant for comparison.

Butternut Squash and Potato Hash
Ditto for this butternut squash and potato hash. It tasted fine without beans, but why not add a little color and extra nutrition?

Next, get to know beans gradually–good advice whenever you’re getting to know a new food.  You wouldn’t get to know a new friend by climbing in the car for a 5-day road trip.  You’d chat at a party, go on a group hike, meet at the movies.  Similarly, don’t make a big bean casserole as your first foray into the wonderful world of beans.  Start instead by just throwing a few into already-familiar dishes, enhancing them with the color, texture and substance of beans.  See the pictures for some examples.

Finally, beans don’t have to preclude a steak or any other meat.  Go ahead and have it, but maybe not quite as big a piece.  This hearty salad (see recipe) on the side will make up for a smaller portion.

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