Bits & Pieces Cooking: An Evening with Eugenia Bone

What un-bored home cooks know that bored cooks don’t, is that some of the best flavor in the kitchen comes from leftover bits and pieces, the kind that most people would pitch. Discover some ideas for “bits & pieces” cooking.

Pantry Stocking: Coconut Milk, Catch 22s . . .

Caught between wanting more variety at mealtimes, but afraid of buying exotic pantry ingredients that will never get used up? Check out this for escaping this Catch 22 and having the best of both worlds.

How to Stock the Pantry . . . or Do a Better Job Working the One You Have

“Stocking the pantry.” Sounds like it should be a nice, predictable process akin to stocking inventory at the local shoe store. Actually, “raucous,” “adventuresome” and “messy” are more descriptive, likely because stocking the pantry is such a unique, personalized process. Discover 5 helpful steps for creating a pantry just right for you.