Holiday Dinners: The Salad Strategy

If you care about weight maintenance, holiday dinners are where your resolve gets tested.   Assuming there are any healthful options at all, it’s most likely a gloppy coleslaw, tray of cold raw vegetables with ranch dressing, or whatever other tasteless nod to nutrition a deli can concoct. Theoretically, you could be virtuous and subsist on … Read more

Want Your Vegetable World in Color or B & W?

Do you remember the movie Pleasantville?  The beginning, set in the 50s, was filmed in black and white and everything was, well, pleasant.  Mom and Dad and the the two perfect teens, living good, pleasant lives.  Then the teens got blasted into the future (in a way that only happens in movieland), and life suddenly … Read more

The Post-Vacation Refrigerator Blues

Coming home from vacation is usually disappointing in and of itself, what with all the mail to read, newspapers to deal with, email to catch up with and, worst of all, the frig to re-stock. While there’s no avoiding the inevitable, learn the KitchenSmart trick that can at least delay a trip to the grocery store for a few days, until you’re a little more caught up.