What a Coincidence!

Remember all the nutrition warnings we’ve been given over the years:

Transfats, excess fats, excess sodium, sugar, corn syrup, refined grains, artificial colors, preservatives, artificial flavors . . .

Ever notice where these all reside? In processed foods!

For the health of the nation, manufacturers were ordered to reduce fat, eliminate hydrogenated oils, reduce sodium, reduce calories, remove toxic dyes, etc., etc. But here we are, several decades later, and processed foods are no better.

Manufacturers have just found ways to skirt regulations and continue making foods so addictively good that we can’t stop eating—and buying—them! Of course they did! It’s how they stay in business!

So here’s a thought:

Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to JUST STOP EATING PROCESSED FOODS!

Think about it. Have you heard warnings about problematic components in real, whole foods like: Kale? Millet? Walnuts? Chicken? Berries? Pinto Beans? *

This is why I have been so keen on sharing information on processed foods along with suggestions and encouragement for avoiding them.

*Note: This assumes we are talking about real foods that are free of modern interventions, like pesticides, hormones and fungus inhibitors. And that are humanely raised and processed. And that we are eating them in moderate amounts–not 16 oz. T-bones! And that we steer clear of ones that aggravate individual health conditions.


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