What’s thinking got to do with healthy cooking?

Find out in my recent podcast!

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Three things come together to make Meal Making Transformation possible: becoming new in our kitchens, new in our cooking and new in our thinking. While all three are necessary, being new in our thinking is the most important because it is the foundation for transformation.

Limiting Beliefs Interestingly, the importance of thinking is widely accepted in the business and personal development areas. In those areas, the concept is phrased in terms of “limiting beliefs.” Experts in those fields have discovered that self-help guidance, skills and tools can never lead to success if we are trapped by “limiting beliefs,” i.e., any thoughts that restrict and keep us from growing and achieving our goals and potential.

Limiting beliefs often come from traumatic childhood experiences when we aren’t capable of processing them. Others come from family culture and environment, e.g., we might have been discouraged from doing anything to stand out, or we inherited an ingrained belief that money is evil.

The Force of Culture In the case of healthy meal making, there’s another powerful force at work: Today’s dominant food culture has instilled a strong negative belief limiting our motivation, capability and confidence around cooking meals that will save our health.

Worse yet, we don’t even know this force is blocking us from achieving our healthy eating goals. We blame ourselves for the struggles we face getting good meals on the table.

A Rotted Culture In fact, however, we have a rotted and bankrupt food culture to blame. It is failing to offer us the support we need to make health-giving meals rather than resorting to health-destroying convenience foods.

Other cultures support their populations in the vital job of making health-giving meals. What’s wrong with our culture? And isn’t it time we create a New Eating Culture that supports us?

These are exactly the questions I ask in my upcoming book, A New Eating Culture, and in my recent podcast with Mira Dessy.

About the Podcast Host Mira,The Ingredient Guru, is passionate about sharing what’s in our food and how this affects our health. As she says, it’s not just what you eat but also what’s in what you eat. With a wealth of expert knowledge about food additives, Mira helps us become capable and confident understanding food labels so we can successfully fend for ourselves against today’s overwhelming crush of packaged foods.

When you go to my video, you’ll see Mira has many other videos on helpful healthy eating topics to check out. And do her a favor by subscribing to her channel–and give a thumbs up to our podcast! We small entrepreneurs need your help!

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