Women, Weight and Protein

Did you know there’s a connection between what’s in your pantry and what’s on your thighs? It’s true, so pay attention to this often overlooked part of the kitchen–not only to what’s there, but also to what’s not there–like high-quality canned chicken that can stave off a hunger attack in a hurry.

Hooray! You’re Not Stuck with the Taste Buds You Got

In the battle against the bulge, the tiny taste bud is a formidable foe, defeating us in all sorts of ways. We may feel forever enslaved to their despotic whims, but I’ve come to a more hopeful view: We’re not stuck with our current taste buds. It is entirely possible to transform them from foe to friend.

Danger in the Gluten-Free Aisle

New gluten-free products are making it easy to live without gluten, but are we missing the bigger, teachable moment–and rewards–of a gluten-intolerance diagnosis?

Summer Refreshment: Cure for the Mid-Afternoon Doldrums

It’s 3:00. The vending machine is calling, or maybe the doughnuts left over in the break room. You know it’s suicidal to indulge those cravings, but work is so boring and you’re so tired and . . . Maybe more than sugar and calories, you need refreshment—as in something cool, revitalizing and calming, like Iced Green Tea.

Wheat-Free and Gluten-Free Living—Beyond Recipes and Cookbooks

What do you do if you’ve been told to stop eating wheat or gluten? Cookbooks and recipes aren’t a bad starting point. But they are only part—and a relatively small part of the solution. What’s more, they’re the easy part. Find out the deeper fundamentals that will lead to more lasting–and enjoyable–success.

Fox 31 Holiday Cooking Series: Light Orange Waldorf Spinach Salad

Calories and fat add up over a holiday meal at an alarming rate, not unlike the cash register when you’re buying Christmas gifts. That’s why it pays to plan a little calorie relief into your holiday meals. Find out why this lightened recipe fits the bill