How do you start REALLY believing in healthy eating?

Retrain your brain with good information!

Realize that mainstream media does little, if anything, to help us develop a deep, solid, actionable belief in our health. In fact, advertisements are designed to do just the opposite: “Go ahead and eat fast food, order takeout, pop a frozen meal in the microwave,” they say. “You deserve something super tasty when you’re hungry. Don’t worry about what might happen several years down the road!”

Convenience food marketing like this is what explains why we are mired in the craziness where immediate gratification has replaced surviving and thriving as our #1 goal, which is what the previous post talked about.

The antidote

  • Search out and fill your brain with positive, healthful information!
  • Get constant reinforcement for eating a diet of only real whole foods.
  • Educate yourself about how the body works in amazing harmony and perfect precision–so you can only want to feed it well.

Although you won’t find this valuable information in the mainstream, there is plenty of it on the internet. Here are a couple of my favorites.

Dr. Mark Hyman  The Doctor’s Pharmacy

This episode is particularly relevant to the discussion of talking to our cells: “Food is more than just calories; it is information that controls every aspect of your health. ⁠It carries information, molecules, instructions, and code that programs your biology with every bite, for better or worse.”

Dhru Piohit  Great weekly podcast on a whole range of health topics. Here is one that is especially pertinent:

Dr. Zach Bush  The Super Powers of Your Gut, online course through OneCommune

Dr. Bush is able to explain the miraculous workings of the body in simple terms. I bought this course because I learned nothing about how the body works in all my 20 years of education! But you can get a free 14-day pass to just check it out. Absolutely fascinating!

To learning and growing in our knowledge of the miraculous human body!

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