Are you a true believer?

Several short musings on the role of beliefs in Meal Making Transformation. See what thoughts they spark for you–and please share in the comments!

Do you really believe all the talk about healthy eating? Or deep down, do you really think it’s a bunch of malarky?

I think about that question a lot, because I see so many people eating health-destroying processed foods, like pizza, pot pies, sugary pastries, muffins and desserts, white bread and pasta, sweet drinks, and all manner of snack foods and crackers.

That makes me sad. Time and time again, I have witnessed the almost miraculous power of simply eating well. That’s why I’ve spent the last 33 years sharing the tools, skills, strategies and thinking to make health-giving meals doable for all of us. But none of it is any good if we don’t believe that Food Matters.

The research is incontrovertible that what we eat has a huge impact on our health. That evidence is no secret, which is why I have to wonder, do we just really not believe that Food Matters?

Otherwise, why would we eat things that are health-damaging and even life-destroying. That doesn’t make sense! Every other species has self-preservation as its #1 goal. How did our modern human species get persuaded to give up on that primary objective?

Remember the recent post on how we talk to our cells? Do we shower them generously with helpful real, whole foods or ignore their needs and shove processed foods at them?

It all comes down to what we really believe. Maybe since that earlier post, you’ve had time to consider what you really believe. This is just a reminder to keep giving this foundational question a little thought.

Beliefs are such a critical part of Meal Making Transformation and the whole healthy eating journey. If you don’t really believe it makes much difference what goes in your mouth, how can you justify the time, effort and energy to make and eat health-giving food?

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