Diet Hopes Day 1, Barrier #1: Getting Out of the Starting Gate: Do I Really Want to Bother?

Step 1–Getting My Head Behind My Actions Ever made a good eating intention and then, not too long afterwards, come to the sudden realization that you’ve forgotten all about it?! For example, let’s say it’s lunchtime, you’re on the road going from here to there, and you’re starving.   Naturally, you pull into the drive-through restaurant … Read more

Why Your Diet Resolutions Never Happen

How Are Those September Resolutions Going?  If you haven’t settled on any, don’t worry.  As explained in a post last month, nature’s seed planting goes on all autumn, so there’s still time to use the season’s momentum to your advantage and “plant” some seeds for food life changes. But here’s the thing:  The seeds of … Read more

New Year’s Resolutions Gone by the Wayside? Don’t Worry . . . .

September Is the Best Month to “Plant” Good Eating Resolutions It’s nine months since New Year’s.  How are those resolutions going?  Can you even remember them? Statistically, there’s a good chance they’ve slipped your mind.  Maybe being reminded of them even feels a bit uncomfortable.  I’m always a little embarrassed that so many of my … Read more

Miso: Quick, Easy Mealtime Fun

“More mealtime fun” and “excitement” were popular responses in our Mealtime Transformation Survey that we shared in the last post.  Happily, it doesn’t take much to brighten up mealtimes.  Something as simple as a new ingredient can be completely adequate.  Miso, for example, is sure to tantalize your taste buds with its unique salty-sweet or … Read more