Recipe: Warming Winter Kale Salad

Warm Kale Salad

Squashes and Roots Winter is the time for hard squashes as well as root vegetables like beets, carrots, rutabagas, potatoes, celery root, turnips and parsnips.  They are at their flavorful best in winter and are also more affordable. As part of my winter farm share from Monroe Organic Farm, I get lots of squash and … Read more

Recipe: Braised Leeks with Tomatoes and Olives

Leeks are a great cool-weather vegetable.  They are members of the onion family but are milder and sweeter than regular onions.  Because they are more tender and mild, however, they can burn more easily and therefor must be cooked more gently, generally on lower heats for longer times.  While in this recipe they are quickly … Read more

Who’s Behind Those Vegetables in the Produce Aisle

I was humbled by appreciation today.  My CSA farm couldn’t find enough workers to keep up with the harvest so a number of members volunteered to help pick cucumbers and garlic.  Kneel down, bend over, lift, squat, lift, then repeat, again and again.  We kept up with the back-breaking work for three hours or so. … Read more

Recipe: 3 Diet Diversity Salads for Early Spring

Does eating salads automatically make you a healthy eater?  That’s a tricky question which this post addressed.  The bottom line, of course, is that salads are a good addition to your diet as long as you avoid The 4 Dangers of Salad Thinking:  Make sure your salads are wildly diverse, moderate on the toppings and … Read more

Recipe: Daikon Radish Miso Soup and the Benefits of Bitter

Ever notice your body “talking to you” when there’s a change of seasons? Over the past couple weeks, as autumn has moved into Colorado, I’ve been receiving some pretty strong messages around giving my body a rest: eating a little more lightly, eating less. Of course, being someone who loves to eat, I’ve been fighting … Read more

Recipe: Chocolate Almond Macaroons

Note:  This recipe is part of a series on making your good eating resolutions come true.  A couple months ago, I resolved to make my own almond milk so I didn’t have to drink the additives in store-bought almond milk.  While you can learn a lot about how to make almond milk from this series, … Read more

Diet Hopes Day 15, Barrier #5: Using Up Leftover Almond Meal: Banana Muffins and Healthy Brownies

Tasty Waste Not-Want Not Strategies + Where Is This Story Going? Two weeks into my almond milk experiment I came to an uncomfortable realization:  Making my own nut milk was producing a lot of food waste!  I want to tell you more about why this is a problem and how brownies and banana muffins came … Read more

Recipe: Healthy Chocolate Almond Brownies (Gluten Free)

Note:  This recipe is part of a series on making your good eating resolutions come true.  A few months ago, I resolved to make my own almond milk so I didn’t have to drink the additives in store-bought almond milk.  While you can learn a lot about how to make almond milk from this series, … Read more

Recipe: Gluten Free, Almost Paleo Banana Bread

Note:  This recipe is part of a series on making your good eating resolutions come true.  A few months ago, I resolved to make my own almond milk so I didn’t have to drink the additives in store-bought almond milk.  While you can learn a lot about how to make almond milk from this series, … Read more