Whole Grain Pasta: New Food for a New Year

The next time you’re buying pasta, STOP. The new year is a good time to try new things–especially if they’re healthy and not hard at all. Find out how two ordinary home chefs are discovering and experimenting with some of the new, whole grain pastas–and finding that they pass the taste test, even for picky eaters.

Women, Weight and Protein

Did you know there’s a connection between what’s in your pantry and what’s on your thighs? It’s true, so pay attention to this often overlooked part of the kitchen–not only to what’s there, but also to what’s not there–like high-quality canned chicken that can stave off a hunger attack in a hurry.

Pantry Stocking: Coconut Milk, Catch 22s . . .

Caught between wanting more variety at mealtimes, but afraid of buying exotic pantry ingredients that will never get used up? Check out this for escaping this Catch 22 and having the best of both worlds.

Does Chinese Diabetes Epidemic Holds Seeds of Change?

Need some motivation to begin growing and changing your taste buds? Two recent posts have explained how our taste buds are like gatekeepers between our good eating intentions and the hand that holds the fork.  If these gatekeepers can be recruited as allies, they can be a huge help on the healthy eating journey.  While … Read more

Danger in the Gluten-Free Aisle

New gluten-free products are making it easy to live without gluten, but are we missing the bigger, teachable moment–and rewards–of a gluten-intolerance diagnosis?

How About a Quick, “White-Free” Snack

Feel yourself getting sucked into a 4:00 p.m. “White Snack” attack? The best defense is a good offense. In this case, that means having a ready, handy, really tasty substitute for pretzels, crackers, cookies and Goldfish. Try Jicima Sticks with Black Bean Hummus instead.

Using Herbs and Spices: More on Flavor Families

Here’s the great thing about herb and spice flavor families. Find one you like and you’ve got an easy springboard to creative fun, as in this recipe for Eggplant and Garbanzo Stew with Spicy Coriander Flavors.

Is it OK to use the garlic and ginger that comes in jars?

Those little jars of prepared garlic and ginger are so completely convenient!  No fussing with paper-thin garlic peels, no paring gnarly knobs of ginger or endangering fingers on the ginger grater and no garlic-smelling hands for the rest of the night.  But is it OK to use these conveniences? I get this question a lot, … Read more